Happy Memorial day to everyone out there, I hope that our all having a wonderful time celebrating with your friends and family!
Today I want to do a May Favorite Post! This will be my first on ever and I hope that you like it!
- Smashbox Full Exposure Pallet: this month I have been LOVING my . I've been able to experiment and the pallet is wonderful in the area of versatility!
- Using black shadow as a eyeliner: before I never really thought about doing this but recently while plauing aroud in make-up I have just taken an angled brush and lined my upper lash line with black shadow; to be honest I like it way more than going through the "hassle" of making sure my kohl eyeliner is perfect. With a shadow is more subtle but still gives a bold look.(:
- Elf Angled Brush: I finally started to use a small makeup brush to clean up around my cuticle area and such, after doing my nails. It makes such a difference and i wont go back to q-tips anymore!
- Splash Water by Nestle: There's nothing else more I can saa1y except YUM!!! This water, the Mandarin Orange flavor to be exact, is so delicious and brings that little "oomph" into plain old water. Nice to shake things up every once in a while
- Spinach & Kale Chips with Sea Salt (made by: The Better Chip): I know what your thinking..."How gross!" But these littl guys are actually so yummy, I think I'll even give up regular potato chips for them (you have to try them!)
- Frozen grapes: this is something that my mom and I have actually been dying to try and we finally did the other night and they are AMAZING. When the grpes are frozen they become and cool, melt-in-your-mouth treat for a hot day!
- Zumba: summer is quickly approaching which means...beach time, shorts, tan lines, and bathing suits. If you want to shed a couple of pounds before summer officially gets here then i recommend Zumba! It's so much fun that you wont even remember your working out (:
- Peach Mango Candle: sooooo I've come to the conclusion that I have an obsession with candles, idk I just love walking into a room and smelling yummy goodness (yes, I did just say that(; ). With that being said my mother received a candle set from Wal-mart that includes this wonderful Peach Mango scent, I never would've thought the scent throw would be as great as it is, but every time I pass it I usually get stuck because it smells so yummy!
Well, I hope you guys enjoyed hearing what my favorite things were this month, I would love to hear about yours! You can click on the links to also find/buy my favs!
Leave them in the comments below!