Haha I don't even know how to start this post!
Sooooo, I'll just come out and say it!
I haven't posted in a week and two days...like whaaa?
Well, school for me started last Monday and I have been absolutely so busy with school work and tests, yes test, that I haven't had time to sit down and blog!
But I have a little bit of free time today so I actually want to share how to make the morning time a little bit easier, for us makeup wearer's! <did I just make up a word? lol
Okay, so first off if your like me and you have to wake up super early, just swiping on a couple of neutral colors, some eyeliner, and mascara is the easiest way to go. I don't wear face makeup though! This is just simply simple eye makeup that takes 10mins or less!(:
||So make sure that you start off with a clean face! You don't want anything in the way of your eye makeup adhering to your eye or any dirt under your makeup...that would not be good!
||If you want your makeup to stay on, not crease, and look bright then make sure to use a primer! I use the 24-hour primer by Smashbox. It works like a charm! My makeup stays on all day at school and it looks just like how I did it that morning.(: Now it is a little bit on the pricier side, but it lasts...like literally. I actually share my primer with my mom and we are maybe just now getting halfway throguht the tube! So it really is a deal guys! You can see my Ulta haul in which I got the primer here!
||Now I say the best thing to do is choose 2 to 3 neutral colors. That way you can just swipe on your colors and mooooove on! My favorite look lately has been to take light colors (matte and sparkly or shimmery and put them all over your lid to brighten up your face and then blend that color out using a darker color inn your crease. So I use a very beigy color in both a matte and shimmer all over my lid and then I take a light mocha color and blend the color out in my crease! (Boom, that took like 4 mins)
|||Now its time to do your eyeliner! I have finally found the perfect way to do winged eyeliner and to be honest, it just takes watching different people doing it different ways and then trying them out! But also everyone's eye is different so you have to find out what works for you! But I would love to try and help so comment below!(;
||Now it's time to bat those eyelashes! Cheesy enough for ya guys? haha but really, now its time to do your lashes. Now you can curl them to give them a little bit of oomph or you can just coat your lashes and go! But what Id do recommend is, know what mascara goes with your eye makeup. For me when I wear eyeshadow I like to wear a volumizing mascara opposed to a lengthening; and when I don't wear eyeshadow I'll wear my lengthening mascara! I just feel that if my eyelid already has something going on I shouldn't over do-it by having mega long eyelashes-I want to compliment my eyes(;
||That's it! Now you have a look that plays up a beautiful feature on your body & you had a little fun!(:
I hope this gives some of your ideas for a makeup look to do in the morning so you can get more sleep and still be at school on time! But don't worry, I'll have more ideas for other things like hair and such! Because hey putting on makeup is a lot of work haha!
***Also I'm sorry in advance about posting! I sometimes am super busy and school comes before fun (sometimes (; ). But I will try to get up at least 2 a week until things get settled!***