Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Make-up Rountine for school(:

Haha I don't even know how to start this post!
Sooooo, I'll just come out and say it!
I haven't posted in a week and two whaaa?

Well, school for me started last Monday and I have been absolutely so busy with school work and tests, yes test, that I haven't had time to sit down and blog!

But I have a little bit of free time today so I actually want to share how to make the morning time a little bit easier, for us makeup wearer's! <did I just make up a word? lol

Okay, so first off if your like me and you have to wake up super early, just swiping on a couple of neutral colors, some eyeliner, and mascara is the easiest way to go. I don't wear face makeup though! This is just simply simple eye makeup that takes 10mins or less!(:

||So make sure that you start off with a clean face! You don't want anything in the way of your eye makeup adhering to your eye or any dirt under your makeup...that would not be good!

||If you want your makeup to stay on, not crease, and look bright then make sure to use a primer! I use the 24-hour primer by Smashbox. It works like a charm! My makeup stays on all day at school and it looks just like how I did it that morning.(: Now it is a little bit on the pricier side, but it literally. I actually share my primer with my mom and we are maybe just now getting halfway throguht the tube! So it really is a deal guys! You can see my Ulta haul in which I got the primer here!

||Now I say the best thing to do is choose 2 to 3 neutral colors. That way you can just swipe on your colors and mooooove on! My favorite look lately has been to take light colors (matte and sparkly or shimmery and put them all over your lid to brighten up your face and then blend that color out using a darker color inn your crease. So I use a very beigy color in both a matte and shimmer all over my lid and then I take a light mocha color and blend the color out in my crease! (Boom, that took like 4 mins)

|||Now its time to do your eyeliner! I have finally found the perfect way to do winged eyeliner and to be honest, it just takes watching different people doing it different ways and then trying them out! But also everyone's eye is different so you have to find out what works for you! But I would love to try and help so comment below!(;

||Now it's time to bat those eyelashes! Cheesy enough for ya guys? haha but really, now its time to do your lashes. Now you can curl them to give them a little bit of oomph or you can just coat your lashes and go! But what Id do recommend is, know what mascara goes with your eye makeup. For me when I wear eyeshadow I like to wear a volumizing mascara opposed to a lengthening; and when I don't wear eyeshadow I'll wear my lengthening mascara! I just feel that if my eyelid already has something going on I shouldn't over do-it by having mega long eyelashes-I want to compliment my eyes(;

||That's it! Now you have a look that plays up a beautiful feature on your body & you had a little fun!(:

I hope this gives some of your ideas for a makeup look to do in the morning so you can get more sleep and still be at school on time! But don't worry, I'll have more ideas for other things like hair and such! Because hey putting on makeup is a lot of work haha!

***Also I'm sorry in advance about posting! I sometimes am super busy and school comes before fun (sometimes (; ). But I will try to get up at least 2 a week until things get settled!***

Friday, August 15, 2014

Summer Workout Routine!

Hey guys!
Today I want to share my Workout Routine !
I just feel that sometimes working out an be way more than a hassle, it's hard sometimes so I wanted to share what I do..maybe give ideas!(:

But recently I've been getting into running!

A couple of weeks ago on Instagram, I posted a picture of my new Nike's-I got them for running and my outdoor workouts. Let me tell you they are sooo comfy! I love them(: They are actually my first pair of Nike's haha 

But any-who let me share what I usually do!

///So when I get home I'll eat a snack and take a little break...catch up on the most recent episode of Pretty Little Liars maybe(; & then I'll go ahead and do my Zumba workout for the day! They are different everyday and on some days you get an option!

///If I don't feel like doing Zumba or I just want to change up the workouts I'll go to the gym or go jogging with my sister (way better to go walking or jogging with a friend!
       |||Right now I'm simply running on the treadmill, I walk at a speed around 3.3-3.5 for 7 minutes            and the run at 4.9-5.1 for 3 minutes. Since I'm just starting out, I don't want to stress out my                body and run for, lets say a whole 10 minutes!
       |||Doing workouts made for machines at the gym is also a way to work up a sweat. I use the             workouts from Blogilates right now.

•Get a good pair of sneakers! I got mine Nike's at Sports Authority- they are called Revolution 2. They are very comfy and have enough cushion so that when you walk or run your heels aren't slamming into the floor. Check for sales often & sign up to get 10% off (; •

•Always stay hydrated!•

•Wear comfortable clothing•

•Don't workout too late (especially if your alone)!•

Well that's it! Just a simple routine & it helps you feel better & lose weight/tone !
What's your workout routine this summer? 

Oh yeah and I made this little picutre in honor of the famous blogilates quote! Feel free to take it with you! There's no watermark so it will look pretty wherever you put it!(:


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Back to School DIYs: Collab!|||Late Mani Monday

Hellllllo, I'm sorry about not posting my Mani Monday yesterday! 
But even though it's Tuesday that doesn't take away the beauty from these nails lol

This week I decided to take a break from nail art and just do a simple manicure.
This beautiful pink is Groove Is In The Heart by Deborah Lippmann. 
I have had this color since Christmas and had never used it so I thought why not give it a shot & I love it !

 What do you think?
Any dupe alerts (I love it when Dani from Coffee Break With Dani uses it haha)? Tell me below!
Now I also have some DIYs to share with you today!

I have partnered up with my new-found friend Tianna from Dressed To A Ti!
We have to decided to do a collaboration of some easy & fun DIYs !
We each chose a DIY to do for school, room, & fashion! So let's get started(:

Separated Jean "cork" board
Okay so that's a funny name & I'm sure everyone is looking at their screen thinking I'm crazy haha. Well I originally got this idea from Pinterest & since I didn't have any cork board I decided to improvise!

All you'll need is what you see in pic number one!
2. hot glue to peives of cardbard tgether
3.&4. Hot glue the jean fabric to you cardboard
5. Bend down the sides of the fabric over (like a present!)
6. Fold over other side & your done!
 Now stick whatever you want on to your little boards! Noes for you would like!

DIY Shirt Design
I also saw this on Pinterest and decided to give this a try. Making your own  design on your shirt! I decided to make two little bows on the bottom of my black shirt. They didn't come out perfect...but I had fun I'll know what not to do next time lol

You'll need everything in pic number one!

2. Put cardboard under the spot you want to paint
3.& 4. Mark your spot and then use tape to sketch out your pattern!
5. Then go to painiting (;
6. Go over the spot until it's opaque to your liking and then let it dry (or blast some cool air on it from an blow dryer!)
7. Wear your shirt and show it off!

DIY Binder Covers!
Now I've actually already done one of these and I absolutely loveeeee it! See all of the directions and such here! But Binder covers are always fun to make & you can make you own by getting a design you want, sizing it to your paper or binder and then going to a website that will let you write on fonts and do overlays ! I personally love Picmonkey!

Here are some pics from when I personalized my binder with a cover!


Well I hope that you all enjoyed this collab and have some new ideas of ways to DIY you room, school supplies, and clothing!!

 Make sure you head on over to Tianna's blog to see her DIYs (which are amazing!)
I am in love with the Polaroid inspired pictures she did! Look at it! Cool right?!
She didn't post this on her DIY post but I am personally going to paint my calculator like she did in on of her previous post, I love trying to make school fun haha!

Overall I had a lot of fun doing this with Tianna-collabs are so fun!

Whew, I think this is my longest post I've ever written haha!
Well, I hope that you all enjoyed the DIYs and that they inspire you for back to school!
Leave any questions or comments below!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Liebster Award!

Hey, I'm backkkk!
I'm so glad that I got a chance to take some classes this summer, they were really fun & Im actually going to miss them (that's a little scary haha). But finals were great & now I have a nice little last week of summer!

Onto the topic for today...I'm so happy to say that I was on chosen for the Liebster Award by Tianna from Dressed To A Ti (check out her blog its so cute & fresh(: )

Now if you're like me & have no idea what this award is, I can help you with that! Tianna was nice enough to tell us what this award is for, I'll insert it below!
"This tag helps bloggers connect and discover new blogs/bloggers."

Simple & Sweet, this is a tag that lets you get on a personal level with other bloggers! They get to learn about you and you get to learn about them and each others blogs!(:

The rules:
1. Post 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions created by the person who chose you.
3. Create your own set of questions for the people you are going to choose.
4. Choose 11 people (who have under 200 followers) to nominate, and link them to your blog.
5. Let the people you've chosen know they've been tagged. No tag backs!

Alrighty so those are the rules so lets get started! (; #getready
11 Facts About Me!
1. I love nail art & nail when I walk into a store I can't leave without checking out the polish haha!

2. I loveeeee Sushi!

3. I live in Florida....which means beaches! But.....I don't go as much as I would like too :(

4. I consider myself a fashioninsta- I'm always trying to match outfits and make sure my color don't clash (when they aren't supposed too(;)

5. I love to read-I could live at the Library

6. I get excited over little things & I love cloud watching! (probably explains the 

7. I love to sew (it's really relaxing haha) & recently I turned a pair of cutoff jeans into a jean skirt-say what?!

8. I really want to pursue a career in the Chemistry field, I'm just not sure exactly what yet.

9. My favorite color is purple.

10. I love to be organized! (but I have moments where I will be super messy)

11. I love to watch TLC & mentally plan my I find it so much fun (:
 Questions from Tianna

1. Coffee, Tea, or other? 
Okay, usually I'm a tea girl but recently I've been loving the Iced Coffee with a French Vanilla swirl in it!

2. Are you a country or city girl?
This is hard...I'm both! My heart is both in the rush of the city, going shopping and cafe's but I love to go back to my small hometown where everyone knows everyone and you don't have to worry about leaving your door unlocked.

3. What is your favorite scent (candle, body wash, etc.)?
I love anything citrusy. My FAVORITE scent is Brazilian Mango Grapefruit by Pacifica!

4. Where is your favorite place in the world?
To be honest I don't have a favorite place because I feel that I haven't been to enough (; I like the beach a lot if that counts

5. What's your favorite thing to blog about?
I love to blog about anything to deal with being girly! Us girls can never run out of new tips + tricks!

6. Are you a saver or a spender?
I am sadly more of a spender than a saver. But i would say that I spend wisely.

7. What's your favorite book?
I have two! That would be the Bible of course and I loveee the Delirum Trilogy by Lauren Oliver <3 I'm on the second book!

8. What is your dream career?
Something in the Chemistry Field or if that doesn't workout..a Fashion Designer

9. What's your favorite season?
I think Summer haha...but there's cute clothes in Fall. As you can see i have a hard time picking favorites-should've added that to the my facts lol

10. What's your prized possession?
My most prized possession is my personality & self assurance. I feel like a lot of times if you don't understand yourself or you can't encourage yourself then it's so easily to be influenced and lose your true self.

11. What's your favorite memory?
My fav memory of the moment is all of my friends and I at one of my really good friends' 18th Birthday Party. Michelle threw this amazing party and we all had so much fun (:

Now it's my turn to make questions!
1. What's been your favorite thing to drink this summer?
2. What's your favorite chick flick?
3. Why did you start blogging?
4. What's your favorite color?!
5. Who's your favorite actress or actor?
6. Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper or water?
7. Do you set one alarm to wake your up or four? haha
8. Heels or flats?
9. Who inspires you?
10. What's your dream car?
11. Lastly, if your could have any super-power what would if be?(:

Tag, Your It!
I choose
Erin from Peachy Keen
Carrie from Carrie On Blogs

& to be honest I cannot think of any more bloggers at the moment-sorry!
But as I find more, I will gladly tag them and add them to the list!
Also Cathleen & Tianna have some bloggers that I have discovered and love on their blogs so check that out as well.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post! 
I can't wait to see the other bloggers post as well
Until next time!(:

Monday, August 4, 2014

Mani Monday ||| Nails That Have Caught My Eye |||

So I sadly haven't had time to do my nails this week, BUT I do have some nails that I would like to recreate in mind!

Here they are!


 via (sorry if you don't like toes haha!)


How gorgeous are these nails?! I love them & I think that I will be trying out the toe nail designs & the gradient chevron!

What do you think of these nails? Did any of them catch your eye?(:
Tell me below !

**Also I may be a little MIA some days this week-I'm taking summer classes and this week is Finals Week! Wish me Good luck (;**