Thursday, July 31, 2014

::The Fab Girl Bloggers::

Hey guys!
Today I just want to share something that I've recently became apart of!

It's a blogging community called: The Fab Girl Bloggers

This is a newly ran blogging community, aimed at the younger crowd of bloggers.

Here you can:
  • Have your blog post feautured
  • Read others feautred blog post
  • Meeting other bloggers that share your interest
  • & maybe even meet some bloggers in your area through The Fab Girl Bloggers website!
You should check out Ashley's blog (she runs the blog and is the one who came up with the idea!) for more information and if your interested! I'm excited for what's to come and to interact with other bloggers(:

What do you think? 
Will you be checking out The Fab Girls?
Tell me below! (:


  1. Hi! I'm also part of the Fab Girl Bloggers and just found your blog while I was checking out everyone who was in it! I think it's going to be such a fun blogging community :)
    xoxo, Jamie

    1. Me too! & thank you for visiting, it means a lot ! (: I'll be checking out your blog soon!(;



I'd love to hear from you! Just write below (: